Welcome to Veda Holistic Health

Happy August from Veda Holistic Health!


e have been working many hours burning the midnight butter to bring you our new website: Bring out the pots, pans, blenders and enthusiasm! All the recipes that we have spoke about and have demonstrated in our cooking classes is now available in one place that you can visit whenever you need a reminder. As new seasons descend upon us we will share recipes that correlate to the nature of the seasons. If you have any new recipes that you have learned through the VHH Ayurvedic process please feel free to share it with us so we can share it with the world. We want to create a community where we can share our evolving food experiences with Ayurveda.

Stay tuned for articles exploring the body-mind-digestion paradigm, lifestyle choices and foods through the lens of of Ayurveda!


Send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.